Optimal urinal numbers

All I offer is a minor distraction
This little puppy caught my eye, classic old school farm house with connecting barn. It has plenty of room for propagating flora and fauna and even has a few acres of vines.Bags be in charge of Honey (with Nat) and veggies.
Other vacancies;
Brewer, Spiritual leader and Local Mission Leader, wine maker, IT (incl web assistance), Animal husbandry (I reckon I could take care of this too but might need help with the Lambing) head Chef, machinery supervisor, irrigation engineer and what farm would be complete without a milk maid.
Ok so it might not be realistic right now but I leave you with these thoughts
"oh yes, it will be mine" - Wayne, Waynes World, c 1992
" folks don't have the taste for sheep balls much anymore" - Bar tender, Funny Farm, c 1988
Anyway last night my years of abstaining from crowd involvement caught up with me. My demise came swiftly and with great embarrassment to me but great delight to Nat, Syv and Matt. "OI you there, the bald guy in the white T-shirt" There was no looking around there was no hiding the play had stopped the cast had frozen and the craziest of them all (see picture) was pointing squarely at me (as were the 800 sets of eyes filling the Seymour Centre) "You didn't toast the King! Stand up" I stood there sheepishly, tail between my legs, waiting for my punishment. The rest of his rant has already been erased from my memory but I'm sure there was something about respect and me being too good the toast the king. "right because of you we are all going to do it again and I'll be watching you"
"To Mark and Yseult"
True to his promise he kept watching. From that point on I did as I was told.
Anyway it was a bloody good play (literally) and it's on for a few weeks so go see it and don't toast the King ; )