Anyone keen for a commune in the south of France?
This little puppy caught my eye, classic old school farm house with connecting barn. It has plenty of room for propagating flora and fauna and even has a few acres of vines.Bags be in charge of Honey (with Nat) and veggies.
Other vacancies;
Brewer, Spiritual leader and Local Mission Leader, wine maker, IT (incl web assistance), Animal husbandry (I reckon I could take care of this too but might need help with the Lambing) head Chef, machinery supervisor, irrigation engineer and what farm would be complete without a milk maid.
Ok so it might not be realistic right now but I leave you with these thoughts
"oh yes, it will be mine" - Wayne, Waynes World, c 1992
" folks don't have the taste for sheep balls much anymore" - Bar tender, Funny Farm, c 1988
im happy to throw my hand in at winemaker (ohh the dream..) but am probably better trained as some sort of health guy and jen can be thrown in to overlook the finances
do we need a high-level strategy development manager?
No but I'm sure your trading skills could be used to turn our produce profit into a healthy education fund for our kids.
I could seriously be talked. Why do we stop dreaming when we grow up? bardots [france circa 2010]
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