Sunday, June 25, 2006

How to rob honey

Honey isn't harvested, it's robbed. We engaged in our first smash and grab a few months ago and now that the excitement has died down I'm able to let you into the wonderful world of bees! I will keep the words to a minimum as the photos are pretty much self explanatory.

Nat looking cute as a button in her Bee suit
firing up the smoker
Opening the hive. Smoke for some unknown reason calms bees down. It is believed that smoke triggers a time to move hose instinct and they load up on honey and as a result become docile.
Our girls
Decapping the comb with a heated knife.
Frames go in the extractor
Extractor cranks up the G's and sends the honey flying
Honey with some yucky bits comes flowing out
Goes through a fine sieve and we are all done (but for an hour clean up)

Pretty easy hey. We got 18 Kg of honey from our first harvest. If your lucky we might let you try some.

Mint gum and OJ

Trivial pursuit, I'm good at it, I don't know why. I love it. Surely the makers of trivial pursuit made enough money off the original version to pull up stumps and call it a day. I was going to blog about my excitement surrounding the release of the latest update of the classic version but as I went to grab a photo my excitement turn to disgust.
I love Orange Juice, I love Mint Chewy but mix them together and it's all bad.
I love Trivial Pursuit, I love the 80's but mix them together.....

My first taste of TP spin offs was Globe Tripper. I wasn't convinced and reverted to my old school version. The questions were of poorer quality and quantity and the additional game play options detracted from the pure hit of trivia. Now not only has 80's TP recently been released so has Lord of the rings, Star wars, 90's, Nickelodeon, Pop culture and Book lovers. OK, Book lovers and Pop culture are probably broad enough to warrant a version of this great game but the array of new versions is nothing but a shameless grab for $$. How can the two brilliant inventors of this great game stand to see it's integrity torn to shred's? Moreover how can they profit from it's demise? Like an aging rocker trying to regain a squandered fortune the makers of TP are selling out. Fine, sell out, set your kids and grand kids up for life, but must they stoop so low? I call for a boycott of all of the forementioned versions. Stand united lovers of TP.

incidentally, can you really "win" Lord of the rings trivial pursuit? One of the few places in life where
winning and losing are one in the same.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Kudos to Tubby

Can I just say thank you to you Craig for forging a path.

I know you probably took your inspiration to blog from someone else and no doubt they too would credit some other trail blazer but to you I credit my first desire to blog. Others may curse you for doing so as I generally don't have too much to say but I thank you good sir.

And to you dear reader if your looking for something other than a minor distraction I implore you to visit

On that note I would also like to thank Craig for the most recent addition to my blog, The Cluster Map found just below the links. With any luck There will soon be a smallish red dot on Sydney. I don't get too many comments on my blog. Maybe because I never write anything contro. Oh well. Time will tell if there is anyone out there????

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Aeroplane food

I think the general consensus is that plane food sucks but for a strange few, myself included, plane food evokes more pleasing emotions. Maybe it's my penchant for processed food, more likely it's the meals association with sleep deprivation and small screen TV's. Anyway my point is I had Lean Cuisine Honey Soy Chicken today. I was a soft bread roll and mini coke short of pure airline ecstasy and it moved me. Next time you need a holiday why not save yourself the drama and expense, Lean Cuisine can take you there for a fraction of the price even if it's only for a brief 10 minutes at Lunch.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Euro Kang

Kingos is off to see Australia make history by being the only country to win the world cup in it's second appearance! You too can be part of history by follow along at
Come on aussie, come on, come on

Monday, June 05, 2006

Interesting Bee Fact - Eight

Honeycomb is produces by bees taking wax excreted from glands on the bottom of the abdomen moulding it and working it into place. They only produce the wax from day 12 to 17 at which time the glands stop producing wax and they move on to the next task. Beeswax has been used to make fine candles, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, to fill the screw holes and the seams between the slates on pool tables, as a coating for cheese and in ancient times is was crucial for shipbuilding and waterproofing. Beeswax is also the traditional material from which to make didgeridoo mouthpieces.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

You look like a coconut

Haircut, haircut, you look like a coconut. Many a young lad has been taunted with variations of the coconut line. I copped it heaps. I don't want to look like a coconut and now in my days of deforestation the look is here to stay. The last photo I have of me with a full head of hair was taken just before I bungy Jumped in NZ, Christmas 96. I was 20. Incidentally this is also when I started smoking. Maybe now that I have stopped I will get some hair back???
I have come to accept my baldness and now see it as part of an intricate tapestry. A weave that combines a big lip a smashed up nose and less than perfect skin. I think considering the ingredients I came out ok. Anyway the real reason behind this post is to discuss wedding hair options. Basically I'm of the opinion that day 4 to day 20 after a number 2 shave is about the optimum hair length. I have two photos to illustrate the range.

(please excuse the face pulling, my unphotogenicness will no doubt be the subject of a future post)

Photo 1. Hair is about 15 days old
Photo 2. Hair is about 3 months old. I think at this stage I was still holding on to the dream. I remember being angry upon seeing the photos because none of my mates had pulled me aside and told me how bad the long hair was.

The plan is for me to shave my hair tonight. I will then be accepting feedback either directly or anonymously through the blog. Please feel free to tell me when you think I'm at optimal length.
