Mint gum and OJ
Trivial pursuit, I'm good at it, I don't know why. I love it. Surely the makers of trivial pursuit made enough money off the original version to pull up stumps and call it a day. I was going to blog about my excitement surrounding the release of the latest update of the classic version but as I went to grab a photo my excitement turn to disgust.
I love Orange Juice, I love Mint Chewy but mix them together and it's all bad.
I love Trivial Pursuit, I love the 80's but mix them together.....
My first taste of TP spin offs was Globe Tripper. I wasn't convinced and reverted to my old school version. The questions were of poorer quality and quantity and the additional game play options detracted from the pure hit of trivia. Now not only has 80's TP recently been released so has Lord of the rings, Star wars, 90's, Nickelodeon, Pop culture and Book lovers. OK, Book lovers and Pop culture are probably broad enough to warrant a version of this great game but the array of new versions is nothing but a shameless grab for $$. How can the two brilliant inventors of this great game stand to see it's integrity torn to shred's? Moreover how can they profit from it's demise? Like an aging rocker trying to regain a squandered fortune the makers of TP are selling out. Fine, sell out, set your kids and grand kids up for life, but must they stoop so low? I call for a boycott of all of the forementioned versions. Stand united lovers of TP.
incidentally, can you really "win" Lord of the rings trivial pursuit? One of the few places in life where winning and losing are one in the same.
I love Orange Juice, I love Mint Chewy but mix them together and it's all bad.
I love Trivial Pursuit, I love the 80's but mix them together.....

My first taste of TP spin offs was Globe Tripper. I wasn't convinced and reverted to my old school version. The questions were of poorer quality and quantity and the additional game play options detracted from the pure hit of trivia. Now not only has 80's TP recently been released so has Lord of the rings, Star wars, 90's, Nickelodeon, Pop culture and Book lovers. OK, Book lovers and Pop culture are probably broad enough to warrant a version of this great game but the array of new versions is nothing but a shameless grab for $$. How can the two brilliant inventors of this great game stand to see it's integrity torn to shred's? Moreover how can they profit from it's demise? Like an aging rocker trying to regain a squandered fortune the makers of TP are selling out. Fine, sell out, set your kids and grand kids up for life, but must they stoop so low? I call for a boycott of all of the forementioned versions. Stand united lovers of TP.
incidentally, can you really "win" Lord of the rings trivial pursuit? One of the few places in life where winning and losing are one in the same.
Come on Bev, I will take you on at a game of LOTR TP anyday! Just cause you don't know who Aragorn's father was!
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