Kudos to Tubby

Can I just say thank you to you Craig for forging a path.
I know you probably took your inspiration to blog from someone else and no doubt they too would credit some other trail blazer but to you I credit my first desire to blog. Others may curse you for doing so as I generally don't have too much to say but I thank you good sir.
And to you dear reader if your looking for something other than a minor distraction I implore you to visit
On that note I would also like to thank Craig for the most recent addition to my blog, The Cluster Map found just below the links. With any luck There will soon be a smallish red dot on Sydney. I don't get too many comments on my blog. Maybe because I never write anything contro. Oh well. Time will tell if there is anyone out there????
Your blog is my home page.
I lika your blawg.
So the question is... who the heck do we know in Alice Springs?
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