Haircut, haircut, you look like a coconut. Many a young lad has been taunted with variations of the coconut line. I copped it heaps. I don't want to look like a coconut and now in my days of deforestation the look is here to stay. The last photo I have of me with a full head of hair was taken just before I bungy Jumped in NZ, Christmas 96. I was 20. Incidentally this is also when I started smoking. Maybe now that I have stopped I will get some hair back???I have come to accept my baldness and now see it as part of an intricate tapestry. A weave that combines a big lip a smashed up nose and less than perfect skin. I think considering the ingredients I came out ok. Anyway the real reason behind this post is to discuss wedding hair options. Basically I'm of the opinion that day 4 to day 20 after a number 2 shave is about the optimum hair length. I have two photos to illustrate the range.(please excuse the face pulling, my unphotogenicness will no doubt be the subject of a future post)Photo 1. Hair is about 15 days old
Photo 2. Hair is about 3 months old. I think at this stage I was still holding on to the dream. I remember being angry upon seeing the photos because none of my mates had pulled me aside and told me how bad the long hair was. 
The plan is for me to shave my hair tonight. I will then be accepting feedback either directly or anonymously through the blog. Please feel free to tell me when you think I'm at optimal length.