Last night I was delighted to take part in the democratic process as a proxy voter for Mr AJT who had been called away on family business. "I'm promised it will be a short one...Just a vote and then out" SB circa may 06. With the meeting starting at 8.00 Americas next top model (8.30) was always looking scetch but I held out hope.... Until the fun and games began. Even before the voting started people were up and down like jack-in-the-boxes. "Mr speaker I move
this and that and I'm a very important part of this branch, blah blah blah" Roll of voters was

read. 63 present and accounted for. Voting was underway, I might miss the first few minutes but still looking OK. The vote counter and scrutiners came back into the room to announce they had received 64 votes. Ah no. The culprit never fessed up and as a result rather then 63 people filling in the little slip and taking it up the front at the same time a role call was required for every vote (5 votes in total) extending what should have been a quick vote into an exciting night of role calling. Bardos starts singing "Time goes by so slowly" as the night began to drag on. I think many forms of government work relatively well on paper but all are affected to differing extents by fallen man. For some interesting reading check out Forms of Government on Wikipedia. vote for a Benevolent dictatorship but who should the dictator be???

Maybe The member for Kingsford Smith?
If I was more IT savvy I would make a pole thingy. but I'm not, so I won't.
Vote 1 MB