Football (aka Soccer)
With the World Cup approaching, this could be very useful advice....
You're in a shoe shop, second in the queue for the till. Behind the shop assistant on the till is a pair of shoes which you have seen and which you must have. The female shopper in front of you has seen them also & is eyeing them with desire. Both of you have forgotten your purses.
It would be totally rude to push in front of the first woman if you had no money to pay for the shoes. The shop assistant remains at the till waiting.
Your friend is trying on another pair of shoes at the back of the shop and sees your dilemma. She prepares to throw her purse to you. If she does so, you can catch the purse, then walk round the other shopper and buy the shoes!
At a pinch she could throw the purse ahead of the other shopper and, "whilst it is in flight" you could nip around the other shopper, catch the purse and buy the shoes! BUT, you must always remember that until the purse has "actually been thrown", it would be plain wrong to be in front of the other shopper!
Interesting Bee Fact - Seven
Honey is not recommended for babies under one year of age. Although honey is a natural, healthy food that normally cannot support bacterial life, it's important to note that it can carry C. botulinum spores which may be harmful to the undeveloped immune systems of infants.
Madonna who?
I was lucky enough to be invited to the MTV awards. A great night was had by all and I was quite surprise with how much I enjoyed some of the acts but the whole experience has left me in a quandary. Am I one of those old people who can't move with the times? It's not that I didn't recognise any of the artists it's just that I couldn't comprehend most of the results.
Some of the quality nominees (as I see it) were
- U2
- Foo Fighters
- Madonna
- gorillaz
And the people that cleaned up......
- Ashley Simpson
- Shannon Noll
- The Veronicas
- Anthony Callea
- The Rouge Traders
I was informed today that Anthony Callea has the highest selling single of all time in Australia. Is that true? I HAVEN'T EVEN HEARD THE SONG!
I'd like to think it's not me it's you but it's hard to ignore the evidence. I'm already getting caught in the past.
I point the finger squarely at my mum who refused to listen to "real" music in the car instead preferring a 2WS concoction of 60's and 70's classics with catchy tunes and easy to sing along lyrics.
Maybe I should watch Idol and listen to Nova more often. It appears to be working for Bardots ; )
For the love of the game
It was the biggest match of the season thus far and the ultimate litmus test for the tahs, a game not to miss. Unfortunately a crew were heading to the hawksbury for the weekend and the proper research hadn't been done. Anyway with 5 minutes to spare we rocked up to the Brooklyn Pub expecting at worst to have to convince the bartender to switch the box over from league to union (something I have become very proficient at after many south coast sorties) . As we walked from room to room looking for the big plasma screen, small plasma screen, any sort of viewing device, it became clear that the only TV in the pub was tuned in to a fuzzy "The new price is right". Any self respecting publican knows the value of catering to sport mad Australians who, due to Murdoch and Packer, cant watch sports at home without investing in cable (surley a good blog topic). Andy took charge and politely asked if this particular publican knew the value of Fox Sports. He did not. Seeing our anguish and being a rugby fan himself self he asked "how many of you are there?" At that stage there was only 4. OK he said, follow me. He walked us outside the pub. I'm thinking is there another pub? Is he going to tell us "we don't like your sort here" and hand us over to the bikers sitting out front? But instead the coolest thing happened. Pointing to a dingy alley across the road he said "go up there and ask if you can watch the game. If they ask you any questions tell them mike sent you." Bewildered we followed his orders hesitantly. 2 minutes till kick off and this left field, potentially life threatening, solution was our last hope. This kind man had seen the passion and knew the pain of not being able to watch the game. He had thrown a friken bone to fellow tahs fans in need of a fix.
He had directed us to a local secret. Not dissimilar to underground bars in the days of Prohibition, the BRC (Brookly Rugby Club) is a haven of rugby, tucked in the back of a real estate agent is a less than hygienic little room with a decent but not huge TV. Behind that a verandah with a much smaller TV. It took a while for the cautious locals to relax but within a few minutes of kick off everything was cool. As more people including a few of our crew arrived and joined us the gathering spilt out onto the verandah and then into the backyard. All up about 20 - 25 people had converged on a tiny room to take part in a local tradition, a tradition that we were allowed to partake in.... for the love of the game.
ps shame we lost.
The Rotation Policy
I was woken by two thing this morning. My alarm was set for 9.50 as I had a late start at work and after a few lat night scrabble sessions (beat Kang by 1 point last night) I needed the extra sleep. Anyway 7.00 I hear my dad talking (loudly) to Thomo then I hear the loud sound of backyard excavation. Why do builders start so early? Never got it, never will. A major drainage overhaul has thrown the house into disarray with Steve having to move out of his room by Sunday. In my early morning daze I agreed the best solution was for me to move out of my room by midday the following day. So now I find myself roomless for a while. Seeing as I as already awake and starting to wonder how I was going to pack up four years of buildup in only a few hours I decided to get cracking.
I have about 150 T-shirts, some cool others not so cool. With a shared wardrobe just around the corner I figured now was as good a time as any to start the cull. I'm more of a wear the first thing that I find that's clean and reasonably suitable kind of person so despite the large quantity of T's most of them have fallen out of regular rotation and been forgotten. It's amazing what you find once you start to dig a little deeper. The memories of You am I at the Metro in 96 is still fairly fresh in my mind but the faded Hi Fi Way T (once a fav) now lies in a pile of T purgatory along with a fine collection of faded memories. I think for the next few months before someone else starts to dress me I'm going to initiate an old classics rotation to help with the culling process. If you see me wearing something that looks old feel free to cast you vote.
Don't you wish that your kids all looked more fine?
Do you feel that your guy's below your style?
You Am I, Hi Fi Way , Punkarella circa 95