Best run ever

All I offer is a minor distraction
OK All of these updates are being posted at the same time due to illness. I'm writing them on the laptop and then heading down to the Information centre to upload. The first two updates have been sitting in the laptop since Wednesday when I was cruelly struck down with the both ends bug. Just as the fist of the three big fronts came marching in I began my 12 hours of pain. The team pulled together and got me to the doctor in the morning passing up the first French powder session in over three weeks. I had an anti vomit injection and was left to sleep it off. Anyway now it's Friday morning and I'm feeling much better. The Second and bigger front has arrived and big fast flakes are falling. I don't know how long I'll last today but it's nice to feel capable of riding a chairlift without potential disaster.
PS For a weather report see Torino, It's just over the hill. (But a 4 hour drive)
Surprisingly it has been a while since we have seen snow falling and I can assure you that the three Atlantic fronts, the first of which has just arrived, are a cause of great excitement! It was great to have a day to check out the resort in perfect sunlight to get our bearings. It's kind of like Perisher Blue and We're staying at Guthiga. Gav and Ems place is right near the lifts and in a cool little village.
I was warned a couple of time “oh you're going to France, better take your elbow pads eh” I put it down to a Canadian misunderstanding of the intricacies of the French culture but no, they really don't know how to queue. It's crazy, basically you get in line and then it's a free for all. Any gap left is a weakness and delay and shuffling up is a chance for a Frechie to walk over you board and move in front of you. The other perplexing occurrence is despite the 20 minute wait there are still singles going up the 6 seater chair?? Has nobody in the French ski system been skiing overseas? A singles queue is sorely needed. Anyway I have decided to adopt these foreign techniques and now work my way up the lift line with the best of them and go right in the middle to discourage sharing. Look out Thredbo.
support you on this one Kang (still not convinced about nerdy card games). Very cool and only $15 for the gear hire.
The Ghostriders Hockey team were a dismal disappointments the second time we went to watch them losing 5-2. Also disappointing was the absence of the fish thrower. Despite not fresh snow in the second part of our time in BC, Fernie still provided some great skiing and some great times with Helen and Chris. It was hard saying goodbye but Europe was calling.