Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Shopping trolley murdered

I have some exciting news for all the shoppers out there, for those of you who want to cast off the shackles of only having three hours free parking! I heard a rumour, I did some myth busting, I was shocked......

If you ever get stuck in a car park over the free time limit (and your too tight to pay the $4 for the 4th hour) all you need to do drive a shopping trolley up to an unmanned entry gate and bingo bango, lovely jubbly, out pops a fresh ticket. As you can Imagine I often forget I'm parked inside the Mall carpark and this has been an exciting revelation for me as the daily rate is $22. I hope that some day this valuable lesson will save you $4 too!

Friday, September 22, 2006


conjoining contradictory terms

Fox Faith have announced that on the back of the overwhelming success of "The Passion" they are looking to release 12 "Christian" feature films a year. There are some other fantastic titles in the Fax faith back catalog.
Some of my favourites are.
- My friend Flicka
- Garfield and Friends (Vol 1)
- South Pacific
- Strawberry shortcake

and my all time favourite Fox Faith movie.....

Enough said.

My news revelation

SMH keeps me entertained for about 20 mins each day. A quick flick through the main stories down to SPORT with a very brief glance at WORLD then on to MOST VIEWED. A pretty standard flick through SMH one would think. I'm sure many of you have already discovered the joy of internet news and the boundless access to worldwide news sources. In my first visit to I spent about an hour in the Africa section alone. Not only is it extremely vast in it's regional coverage it is also very well presented. Alternately this website lists many of the online papers on a country by country basis.

If your looking for something to do on a lazy Friday arvo I highly recommend finding out what is going on in other parts of the world. Enjoy.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Why do Australians travel?

Nat is reading Swahili for the broken hearted, an absolutely fantastic book about Peter Moore I guy from Sydney making his way from the Cape to Cairo and getting into a whole lot of strife along the way. In the early stages of the book he mentions his hero, Alby Mangles. "Who is Alby Mangles?" she asked in a still quasi Canadian accent. I decided it was time to pay Blog tribute to a man who was a hero of mine too.

The genesis of the Alby Mangels story is told in the opening sequence of World Safari I. He and his mate John Field set off on their motorbikes from Adelaide on the 10th March, 1971. All they had was four hundred dollars cash, a film camera (16mm Bell and Howell, with apparently no sound-recording capability), and the desire for adventure. During the following six years they were to visit fifty-six countries across four continents, and be fortunate not to perish ten times over. Consequently, Alby became a national celebrity.

For some it was his laugh in the face of danger attitude, for others his adventurous spirit. For many it was his ability to pull hot chicks wherever he went (Mangels became famous for an array of attractive female traveling companions, with a quota per film approaching that of James Bond - wikipedia I think it was a combo of these thing that Alby has passed on to a generation of travelers. Is this why so many Australians travel?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Graffiti makes me angry

Driving to work today I noticed the new skate park on Condamine st had already been vandalised before it has opened. I guess graffiti has become part of popular culture and when it is done with care and passion I think it looks good. What makes me angry is some 15 year old thinking it's cool (yes I'm aware that using the word cool is very uncool) to be the first person to deface public property with a bloody ugly tag. If your going to tag stuff at least practice at home for a while so when your ready to hit the streets the outcome is art.

Monday, September 04, 2006

I feel a genuine sense of loss

Had you asked me yesterday what I thought of Steve Irwin I probably would have said he's half joker half idiot.
My reaction to his death today suggests that I actually have a much higher level of respect for him than I thought. I don't know why.

I feel a genuine sense of loss.