Ipods cause musical ADHD
A few days ago it came to my attention that I have acquired Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Not the normal kind you see on A Current Affair but a new breed of Ipod ADHD. My condition became apparent on a recent trip to Nats parents house. I have moved most of my CD's to my parents house in preparation for my imminent departure from Boys house on the 21st but due to a nifty bit of CD reclamation from SB I had a few older CD's in the car. I didn't really feel like listening to an album but it was decided that we were going to listen to "August and everything after" one of my all time fav albums. The sort of album that you listen to so many times that you can sing along to every song without missing a beat.
It's a musical journey with such a beautiful flow. It gave me such great joy, where had this musical joy gone. It was then that I realised that the MP3 musical revolution was to blame. Too many choices, too easy to flick, no order and no story. Further more we are witnessing a breakdown of the musical medium that has reached new lows in recent days. Consider the following;
concert = 2 hours, you listen to the whole thing
vinyl = 1 hour, fairly difficult to change songs
tape = 1 hour, can fast forward
CD = 1 hour, can skip song easily
Ipod = 5 min chunks, complete musical flexibility
and the new low I speak of....
ringtones = 20 second chunks, play them to death
We have broken everything down to manageable chunks and robbed the artist of the right to lead us.
Even playing through one artist on an ipod detracts from the musical experience because Ipod organises the songs alphabetically (unless you listen by album).
I'm going to change my behavior and I implore you to join with me. I'm going to view my ipod as a album, rather than song, storage device.
Also I'd like to take this opportunity to share 9 Albums you should listen to without skipping a song.

For further inspiration check out
I agree with your whole album sentiment.
But you forgot the greatest whole album of all time...
Weezer - the Blue Album
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